What I think great teams do

What is the best team I have worked in and why?

For me this is easy. The best team I have worked in was one where I have had positive leadership which has helped me develop into an inclusive and positive leader myself. There is so much to be said about good role modelling. I was treated fairly and like an adult with a brain. My ideas were always listened too and often brought to life. I was built up through that positive interaction. Being part of a great team is one where we all have clear objectives with clear roles, there are platforms to come together and collaborate on work streams even when they are not part of our responsibilities, again giving us all the chance to share ideas and be creative. We were all very clear and up to date on our whole offer as a service and organisation as we remained transparent and informative. We ALL developed each other and felt psychologically safe to challenge. We spent time on us as a team, not just our work but how we can work better together looking after everyone’s individual needs. Great teams invest in their people and not only develop the work streams but develop the person too. I had support to stop or pause things when demand got too much from my leader so I allowed my team to do the same. We formed professional friendships and understanding amongst each other’s personal strengths and abilities. We regularly visited our team purpose and vision, held each other to account for our operating principles and objectives.

Now you may be reading this and be thinking how did you find the time to do all this? simple…we found it! If you don’t continue to inspire, motivate and bring purpose to your team how are you going to deliver the best possible outcomes?

There can be so much more to developing a great team but if you can get the basics right of building each other up and creating connectivity, productivity will soon follow!


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