our founder
Claire has worked for the NHS within health and wellbeing and people development for the past 7 years. She currently works at Leeds Teaching Hospitals as the Trust’s Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, delivering strategy and training to over 23 000 staff members. She is a skilled facilitator and wellbeing specialist and has trained over 300 Mental Health First Aiders throughout her time at the Trust. Her expertise of being an ex dancer and personal trainer has allowed her to gain a wide range of knowledge becoming a leading expert within the field. She works with a variety of companies as a consultant or in partnership supporting organisations and their employees to become the best they can be within the workplace.
Why we are different
There is no one size fits all with wellbeing. Choosing packages that meet the needs of your organisation can target staff on an individual level, motivating change
industry experts
Our consultants and trainers have years of experience and a wide range of knowledge from working in different fields and organisations
We can build your package to create something unique for your organisation. Our experts are experienced in content development so if you find our offer doesn’t meet the brief we can create it for you
our purpose
We Support You to Support Staff
Financial reward isn’t always enough. We work with managers and leaders to encourage recognition of hard work, feel confident to include staff in major change and provide psychological safety amongst teams
Personal struggles can impact on our working day. We help organisations to implement and embed wellness strategies to create a happier, healthier workforce
Our training packages are not just about taking some time out. They up-skill in subjects such as mental heath and productivity. Some providing a recognised qualification such as Mental Health First Aid England
When an organisation values it’s staff it becomes a great place to work. Creating mutual respect can be challenging in some areas of work. We empower workforces to take care of themselves and support colleagues in difficult situations
Providing fun and energised workshops helps support a more creative environment. Our cleverly planned sessions leave your staff feeling ready to take on your next project or challenge head on