How do you balance staff health and wellbeing against operational pressures?

The million dollar question right now! Work is relentless, especially in health care and all the while we are told to look after our staff and make sure they don’t burn out. Too late! Or is it?

Can we just take a step back and recognise that our staff are just people. People want to be heard, respected and above all else feel valued. What that means for organisations is there is no one size fits all here. Putting on a wellness event is just not going to cut it. It starts with the organisation and the managers they employ.

Embed compassionate, strong leaders and you will create a workforce that feels supported. Invest in real training such as learning how to actively listen and you will create a workforce that feels heard. Advocate wellness and acknowledge hard work and you will create a workforce that feels valued.

Organisations must start seeing their business as the people that turn the wheels. Only then can we start to really balance staff health and wellbeing against operational pressures.

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